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College of Arts
and Letters

Behind the scenes of 365bet TV

文学院鼓励学生负责任地学习和生活 富有想象力地,在他们努力阐明的过程中,拥抱多样性和合作 更大的人类条件和塑造有意识的,道德的,社会公正的生活.

College of Arts and Letters

Education is about more than job skills (though we teach those too).

In the College of Arts & Letters we believe in the humanities. We believe that the college experience is about educating the whole person, not just the future employee. We believe that life is about art and music and dance and reading and critical thinking and the rich histories that inform life. By engaging 与人文学生一起学习实践的重要性,往往困难重重 lead to the greatest rewards, and to expect uncertainty. 在这里,学生们学会了负责任和富有想象力的生活,拥抱多样性和创造力 合作,因为他们努力阐明更大的人类状况和塑造有意的, ethical, socially just lives.  

Even if you are not majoring in one of the many College of Arts & Letter programs 你仍然可以从我们课堂上教授的有形和无形的技能中受益. From 从国际关系到广告和营销,从生物学到信息技术, industry partners agree that the arts and humanities are necessary components to a thriving, successful society. 

我们的学院教授批判性和创造性思维,解决问题的能力,以及 communication, the cornerstones to success across all disciplines.

在艺术与文学学院,我们培养创造者和实干家,谁创造和研究 significant works.


Free Art Events Per Year
Average Class Size
Faculty to Student Ratio

Why choose a humanities degree at Austin Peay? 

We believe that to be human is to engage with and understand culture. As majors in the College of Arts & Letters students are able to customize their education, develop 与教师建立师徒关系,并学习基础技能 the classroom.  

The First Step is the Hardest

人文学科的学习似乎是无形的,就像没有明确的就业途径一样. 请放心,你在课堂上学到的技能不仅仅适用于 the “real world.” By providing students with hands-on learning opportunities including 实习、留学、出国研修班、服务学习班; 我们让学生将这些看似无形的技能应用到现实生活中.

Student sits over cutting mat
Department of Art and Design

365bet的艺术与设计系提供绘画、数字媒体、 平面设计、插画、绘画、摄影、陶瓷、版画、雕塑、 and art education.

Student records in radio lab
Department of Communication

365bet的传播系为学生提供独特而令人兴奋的选择 who select our program. Students may engage in real-world experience, as well as hands-on opportunities, from the moment they enter our program as freshmen.

History Professors
Department of History and Philosophy

亚利桑那州立大学历史和哲学系的课程和项目旨在提供帮助 学生学习过去的事件和想法,但也帮助学生发展技能 in analytical thinking and expression. Together these help prepare students for success along a variety of academic and professional career paths. These may include education, 公共服务,或人文或社会研究的研究生学习,或诸如此类的 applied fields as law, religion, and business.

Student reads book on Harned balcony
Department of Languages and Literature

365bet的语言文学系为学生提供小班授课和英语课程 diverse, experienced faculty. Fields of study include Creative Writing, Professional 写作,英语教育,法语,德语,西班牙语,古典语言,和经典 Cultures.

Student plays with ensemble in Mabry concert hall
Department of Music

365bet的音乐系是Clarksville的一个活跃和高度可见的组成部分 Community. Composed of approximately 180 music majors and 32 full-time and adjunct 音乐系是美国最大的文化活动举办地 Clarksville area.

Theatre and Dance
Department of Theatre and Dance

365bet的戏剧和舞蹈系提供了世界知名的最先进的部门 设施,培养艺术家,学者和专业人士积极影响我们的 world.

African American Studies

非裔美国人研究项目研究非裔美国人的历史和文化 以及与非洲、加勒比地区、 and Latin America.

International Presentation
International Studies

辅修课程的目的是让学生更好地准备与职位 government, business, or industry with international connections. It strives to develop foreign language skills; helps to provide an opportunity for students to study abroad; and seeks to promote international understanding.

Student at the UC
Women and Gender Studies

这门辅修课程提供了检验复杂问题和相关实践的训练 to women and gender. Our Women and Gender Studies educators provide a wide range of 课程侧重于性别,种族,阶级,性取向,性身份和残疾. 学生发展知识、技能和资源,为社会领域做出贡献 justice locally, nationally and internationally.


Zoe Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Music Performance

奥斯汀·皮伊帮助推动我变得更好,推动我追求更大更好的东西. I think Austin Peay has a great music department for that.
Erica Harris
Erica Harris
Theatre and Dance

My goal is to be a Marvel superhero one day. I want to be in a movie, and I want my 自己的独立电影,就像蜘蛛侠一样,钢铁侠,美国队长和 my favorite, Black Panther.
Joshua Rees
Josh Rees
Foreign Language - Spanish

我在奥斯丁·皮伊大学的教授们总是让我思考如何才能接受 我已经很擅长了,并且用它来帮助比以前更多的人.
365bet alumna earns Fulbright Fellowship to teach English in Austria

365bet校友Patricia Angel被授予富布赖特奖学金,从今年秋天开始在奥地利教英语. As a first-generation college graduate and the daughter of immigrant parents, 她准备通过这次机会激励新一代的学生.

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Graduating scholars earn 365bet's most prestigious student awards


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365bet Children’s Choir performs at Opryland
365bet Children's Choir performs at Opryland

The Clarksville Children's Chorus, featuring students from 365bet's Community School of the Arts, 4月11日在奥普里兰举行的田纳西音乐教育会议上演出, showcasing their exceptional talent and collaboration with 365bet musicians.

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How Do I Get Started?

Begin the application process now by visiting the link below.

Dr. Chistophe Konkobo
Meet Dr. Cristophe Konkobo

Dr. Christophe Konkobo的研究考察了非洲法语国家的历史和美学 theatre and cinema. He has recently published a monograph on the development and practice of modern theatre in Burkina Faso.

Professor Scott Raymond
Meet Professor Scott Raymond

雷蒙德教授给课堂带来了丰富的专业经验. His animation credits include Trolls, Kung Fu Panda 3, and Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Learn more about Professor Raymond at animationalchemy.blogspot.com

Dr. Somaditya Banerjee
Meet Dr. Somaditya Banerjee

Dr. Banerjee teaches South Asian history, History of Science and World History. Having 他受过物理和历史的双重训练,与各种各样的学生打交道. 他是Phi Alpha Theta和历史俱乐部的指导老师,正在完成一项 考察殖民时期印度现代物理学发展的书籍手稿. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee at http://xfyllr.threesta.com/history-and-philosophy/faculty/banerjee.php

Dr. Andrea Spofford
Meet Dr. Andrea Spofford

Dr. Andrea Spofford writes poetry and essays. Her work has been published in many journals including New South, The Portland Review, and Underblong.Learn more about Dr. Spofford at www.andreaspofford.com

Professor Marcus Hayes
Meet Professor Marcus Hayes

海耶斯教授是无鞋合唱团的专业表演和编舞 并被委托为伯洛伊特学院创作新作品, Lambuth University, and the Frist Art Museum.

Dr. Kristen Sienkiewicz
Meet Dr. Kristen Sienkiewicz

Dr. Sienkiewicz是Gateway室内乐团的联合首席圆号手和成员 of Bala Brass. With Bala Brass she has released 3 CDs. Global Music Awards named their CD Deus Ex Machina as one of the top ten albums of 2015. Learn more about Dr. Sienkiewicz at kristen.sienkiewicz.org